Video: BestBuy_LatinX_v12

leader, latina woman, de nuestra, stepped, equal representation, voz, biases, caper, build, chief technology, center, resilience, inclusive, community, ser, officer, tenemos que, determination
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<div class="ratingblock"> <div id="unit_long1584186382"> <ul id="unit_ul1584186382" class="unit-rating" style="width:100px;"> <li class="current-rating" current="5.00" style="width:80px;">Currently 5.00/5</li> </ul> </div> </div>
Length: 0:59
The qualities that define me as a Latinx leader is my determination, my resilience and my genuine love for my community. Hi, my name is Lili Gangas, I'm the Chief Technology Community Officer at The Caper Center. Being a leader a lot of the time, especially as a Latina woman can be very challenging because there's a lot of different biases that we face. In order to build spaces that are truly inclusive, we need equal representation. It really stepped into my own voice; stepped into the power that technology and social media has. So we need to build a new narrative for the Latinx community. So we don't need to be invited to the table because we have the power to create our own tables. Tenemos que ser dueƱos de nuestra voz, y empezar la conversaciĆ³n. (Let's own our voice and start the conversation.)


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