<div class="ratingblock">
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<li class="current-rating" current="5.00" style="width:80px;">Currently 5.00/5</li>
Length: 1:02
Onscreen text reads:
All-Day Clear OTC Hearing Aids
[Mellow techno music plays in the background.]
Onscreen text reads:
Beauty is now in the ears of the beholder.
[A case rises from the bottom to the center of the screen.]
[The case opens.]
[A pair of Sennheiser All-Day Clear hearing aids drifts up and out of the case. They rotate, demonstrating
the attention to detail and simple controls.]
Onscreen text reads:
Introducing Sennheiser All-Day Clear.
[Close up video plays showing the sleek design.]
Onscreen text reads:
Sound quality as vibrant as you are. All day long.
[Simulated sound waves are shown being emitted from the ear tips to describe clarity and volume.]
Onscreen text reads:
Connect with devices and the people you love. All day long.
[The video shows the ease of connecting All-Day Clear to smartphones. And the simplicity of the controls used to connect.]
Onscreen text reads:
All the control you deserve. All day long[On screen app images and controls are shown]
Onscreen text reads:
While looking cool and feeling comfortable. All day long.
[A case rises from the bottom to the center of the screen and back down.]
Onscreen text reads:
Ready-To-Wear hearing aids for hte modern wearer.
Available in two styles.
[Image shows All-Day Clear and All-Day Clear Slim models]
Onscreen text reads:
Sennheiser All-Day Clear Have a listen.