Video: Pokémon Trading Card Game Mulligans Video

Learn how to use a mulligan when you don’t have a Basic Pokémon card to start game play and how to handle additional card draws if both players have mulligans.
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Length: 0:51
Art Card: Pokémon Trading Card Game Logo and FAQ Series Mulligans Logo Narrator says: At the start of a game, you must have at least one Basic Pokémon in your hand. A Pokémon Trading Card board game is shown in the background. 7 cards are then displayed to show a player's hand and the Charmander card is shown with its "Basic" designation in the top left being highlighted. Narrator continues saying: Sometimes you won’t get one after your first shuffle. If you don’t have any Basic Pokémon in your first hand of 7 cards, show your cards to your opponent and shuffle them back into your deck, then draw 7 new cards. Repeat this action if you still don’t have any Basic Pokémon. A new set of 7 cards is shown, this time none of the cards have the basic designation and the text "MULLIGAN!" appears on screen. 7 cards are then placed on the board, shuffled back into the deck and a new set of 7 cards are displayed. Once again there are no Basic cards in the hand, the text "MULLIGAN!" is displayed, cards are placed on the board and shuffled back into the deck. 7 new cards are shown and there are 2 Basic Pokémon included in the hand, Electabuzz and Pikachu. Narrator says: Once you get a Basic Pokémon, your opponent may choose to draw a card for each time you had to mulligan. Cards are played on the board and the opposing player is seen drawing 2 cards from the deck due to the player having to Mulligan twice. Narrator continues: If both players have to mulligan, you can only draw a card for each additional mulligan your opponent had. In this example, player 1 had 3 mulligans and player 2 had 2 mulligans, so player 2 can draw 1 additional card. Flame cut scene. Both players hands are shown. "Player 1 - Mulligans: 3" and "Player 2 - Mulligans: 2" and "MULLIGAN" text displayed on screen. "3-2=1" text is shown to represent Player 1 having 3 Mulligans and Player 2 having 2 Mulligans, allowing Player 2 to draw 1 card. "PLAYER 2: DRAW 1 CARD" text shown on screen. Flame cut scene. Camera zooms out and Art Card is displayed with Pokémon Trading Card Game Logo and FAQ Series Mulligans Logo.

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